About Me
The birth of my first child in 2012 set me on a mission that has continued ever since:
to provide better support for anyone wishing to feed their child their own milk.
My philosophy:
Everyone has different goals for feeding their babies. If you want breastfeeding to be part of your story, I can help.
I want to work with you to find out what you and your baby need and want, and support and empower you to find a way to make that happen.
My Experience:
I qualified as breastfeeding peer supporter with the Association of Breastfeeding Mothers in 2013, and followed up by becoming a Breastfeeding Counsellor in 2015.
I have volunteered ever since on the National Breastfeeding Helpline and at local NHS breastfeeding support groups.
I sat my IBCLC exams in 2021, having accumulated the necessary 1000+ hours of supporting families.
I also provide free support weekly at It Takes A Vilage in Crystal Palace www.ittakesavillagecp.org
My Qualifications:
BSc (Hons) Anatomical Sciences
Diploma in Sociology
Diploma in Child Psychology
Professional Affiliations:
Member: Association of Breastfeeding Mothers www.abm.me.uk
Member: Lactation Consultants of Great Britain www.lcgb.org